The major applications of copper are in electrical wires (60%), roofing and plumbing (20%) and industrial machinery (15%).

The major applications of copper are in electrical wires (60%), roofing and plumbing (20%) and industrial machinery (15%).

Copper is mostly used as a pure metal, but when a higher hardness is required it is combined with other elements to make an alloy (5% of total use) such as brass and bronze.

Numerous copper alloys exist, many with important uses. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Bronze usually refers to copper-tin alloys, but can refer to any alloy of copper such as aluminum bronze. Copper is one of the most important constituents of carat silver and gold.

A small part of copper supply is used in production of compounds for nutritional supplements and fungicides in agriculture.

Copper cathode can mainly be divided into Grade A and off-grade cathodes in accordance with impurities it contains. Grade A cathode is further classified as registered brands and non-registered brands.

Turkey is net importer of copper cathodes. Copper Scrap is sourced domestically and from CIS countries. There is only one copper refinery producing copper cathode from concentrates and several large others producing high quality copper cathode from scraps and blister.

Tygem will be happy to provide physical cathodes to domestic users via its principle, Transamine.

Copper Cathodes GALLERY

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